Monday, November 14, 2011

The Pledge by Kimberly Derting

Title: The Pledge
Author: Kimberly Derting
Published: November 15, 2011 by Margaret K. McElderry
Pages: 320/Hardcover
Series: The Pledge #1
Source: Galley Grab

Summary: In the violent country of Ludania, the language you speak determines what class you are, and there are harsh punishments if you forget your place—looking a member of a higher class in the eye can result in immediate execution. Seventeen-year-old Charlaina (Charlie for short) can understand all languages, a dangerous ability she’s been hiding her whole life. Her only place of release is the drug-filled underground club scene, where people go to shake off the oppressive rules of the world they live in. There, she meets a beautiful and mysterious boy who speaks a language she’s never heard, and her secret is almost exposed. Through a series of violent upheavals, it becomes clear that Charlie herself is the key to forcing out the oppressive power structure of her kingdom….

Review: I read and loved The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting, so when I saw she had a new book coming out that looked just as awesome (if not more so) I knew I had to read it. And trust me, this book was amazing!

I love Charlie! She was relate-able and like-able and just all around awesome. She had a secret that she knew she had to keep, but she didn't wallow in her misery of having to hide herself. Yes she had to work at keeping her secret, but she accepted it and handled it. She was a strong character who didn't rely on others to do what needed to be done.

Max, oh Max. He's your typical dark and mysterious bad boy, but he actually does have substance. And his relationship with Charlie! There needs to be more relationships like that in YA books! They both knew how the other felt and they TALKED and GOT TO KNOW EACH OTHER even after they knew that they liked each other. It wasn't just "We like each other. Therefore I love you and will love you forever!" Their relationship was actually built off themselves and who they were.

Another thing that I liked about this book relationship wise was that it wasn't about having some forbidden romance between a high society guy (Max) and a lower class girl (Charlie). Sure that's what they were and that problem was discussed BRIEFLY, but Derting didn't make the entire story revolve around that problem. There were bigger fish to fry.

I thought the plot was very well thought out and the pacing was great. I'm not sure if this was an entire different "world" or just a different time. But whatever it was Derting did a fantastic job creating it.

The ending was the only thing that bothered me. It seemed like both sides came together a little too easily. But that's really the only problem I had with this entire book. The ending wasn't a cliff hanger per se, but I'm definitely wanting more about Charlie and Max and can't wait to get it!

More Books by Kimberly Derting
The Body Finder
Desires to the Dead
Enthralled (anthology)

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