Monday, June 20, 2011

My Vacation/Blogging Break

Today I leave for an eleven day trip to Europe. I'm really excited about it and although I'll probably have access to a computer while across the pond I'm using this vacation as a break from blogging. 

If you haven't noticed lately I'm very behind in posting reviews and whatnot. I've been in a reading slump since school got out, and I just haven't been very motivated to do anything book or blog related.

I still love my blog and everything about blogging, but I think I need a break to continue loving it. Thank you to the followers who read my blog and all the other people who drop by to comment and subscribe, or who just read my blog.

As part of my break I'm not even looking at email or comments. I have one or two posts that are scheduled to go up in the next couple of weeks, but I won't be looking at comments or updating my "Reviews by..." pages.

I hope that by enjoying my vacation and not worrying about the blog I'll be able to get back into blogging and reading. And fear not, my blogging break is only about two weeks, not very long at all if you think about it.

Thank you again to all my wonderful readers and I'll be back! Also, I hope everyone's having a good summer vacation. 

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